Notice of annual meeting of members of canadian msb association

NOTICE is hereby given that an annual meeting the members of CANADIAN MSB ASSOCIATION (the “Corporation”) will be held at Toronto Public Library – Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street, Appel Salon (Second Floor), Toronto, Ontario, on the 7th  day of November, 2018, at the hour of 8:00 a.m. (Toronto time) for the purpose of considering: Receive the annual financial Continue Reading

Annual Fall Conference and AGM

This full day training event will feature presentations by FINTRAC, The Canadian Payments Association and high value AML educational pieces. All MSBs and related industries are encouraged to attend. Click here

Canadian MSB Fall Conference and FINTRAC workshops – Toronto

Description: This year we are excited to announce that this event will take place over 2 days and FINTRAC will be hosting 2 (two) half (1/2) day workshops on the first day, November 21, 2019. The first half of the morning session will be focused on the new entrants into the MSB community, namely, Dealers in Virtual Currency. The second Continue Reading

2020 CMSBA Spring Training – Montreal

Description: It’s that time of year again! It’s the Spring Training Session in Montreal. Come to a half-day training session, network with your peers, and find out what is new in the industry while learning new subjects that and help your business! Agenda topics will be provided soon: The Canadian MSB Association would like to thank Grant Thornton for sponsoring Continue Reading

2020 CMSBA Canada Fall Conference (Our dates have changed for the Canadian MSB Association Fall Conference!)


Link: NOTE: CMSBA Members, please sign into the CMSBA website ( to get your code for $100 off the general ticket price.  The Canadian MSB Association Fall Conference is back! For the first time ever, this year it will be online! The conference will take place over two half days and will give you a chance to learn and Continue Reading

$275 – $400

WEBINAR: Detecting and Countering Dark Web Money Laundering Risks Law enforcement agencies around the world are stepping up their efforts to take action against buyers and sellers of illicit drugs, false identification and other illegal activities on dark web global marketplaces. Most recently, 179 people across 6 countries were arrested from the takedown of the seized Wall Street Market. There also have been a number of dark web-related Continue Reading

STR for dummies: How to do it effectively and efficiently


Note: Ever wonder how to effectively write a Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) to FINTRAC? What catches their eyes? How to ensure greater success in your STR getting read and actioned? What makes a bad STR and usually just gets filed? Well, Dwayne King from Grant Thorton will be answering these and many other questions in relation to putting together a Continue Reading


2021 CMSBA Canada Spring Training Session


The Canadian MSB Association Spring Training Session is back! The spring training session will take place over two half days and will give you a chance to learn and find out what is new in the industry while learning new subjects that will help your business from the comfort of your home! Our platform will also provide you a chance Continue Reading


LVCTR, EFT changes, Travel Rule – Oh my where to begin!


June 1, 2021, has come and gone and while many of the RE's and MSBS have felt the relief for implementing changes by Dec1, 2021, it doesn’t mean that they should be resting on our laurels. In this session, we will be discussing the coming into force for the LVCTR, EFT changes, and Travel Rule, the expectations, and other related Continue Reading

Real-world LVCTR Training and discussion


In this session you will be learning about how Bitbuy, the sponsor for this event, has implemented the LVCTR requirement for DiVC. Joseph Iuso, Bitbuy’s CAMLO, and our very own Executive Director will lead the session and will be accompanied by industry experts Amber Scott & Rodney MacIness of Outlier Solutions, Giles Dixon from Grant Thornton, and Marcelle Dadoun from Continue Reading


AML 2.0 – A New Way to Look at Money Laundering (ML)


This in-depth look at basic money laundering will provide participants with a new perspective of money laundering that builds on the dated three stages of the money laundering model. Different crimes generate proceeds which are managed by criminals and launderers in a multitude of ways. Understanding the predicate crimes, sources of criminal proceeds and terminology will allow MSB owners and Continue Reading


2022 CMSBA Canada Spring Training Session


The Canadian MSB Association Spring Training is back! The CMSBA Spring Training will take place over two half days and will give you a chance to learn and find out what is new in the industry while learning new subjects that will help your business from the comfort of your home! You will also be able to network with your Continue Reading


Best Practices/Insights for Dealers in Virtual Currencies


Most Dealers in Virtual Currencies (DiVC) in Canada now have had a full year’s experience under the Proceeds of Crime, Money Laundering, and Terrorist Finance Act and associated regulations (PCMLTFA/R). At that time, DiVCs had to navigate this new world as administered by FINTRAC. Sometimes on their own, with the assistance of others, and most likely some seasoned veterans within Continue Reading


Most Payment Services Providers are now considered MSBs! Have you registered with FINTRAC yet?

On April 27, 2022, new regulations were introduced by the Department of Finance enacting requirements specifically targeted towards Payment Services Providers (PSP) and crowdfunding platforms.  FINTRAC has recently sent a follow-up notice on July 21, 2022, related to the fact that there is an expectation that ALL PSPs, with very few exceptions, register with FINTRAC. The notice can be found Continue Reading

Ouch….Chargeback Insights


Chargebacks are a complicated matter when they happen nowadays given that there has been a liability shift from the merchant to the issues in most cases due to the use of 3D Secure, EMN, TAP and PIN, as well as things like Interac e-transfers, Pre-authorized Debit, and wallet providers. This shift still hasn’t stopped most banks, credit unions, and others Continue Reading


2022 CMSBA Canada Fall Conference

55 John Street Toronto, ON M5V 0C4 55 John Street, Toronto, ON

This year's session will be held over 2 days, with the first day for Virtual FRENCH session in AM, and workshops in PM, and a full 2nd day. The Canadian MSB Association Fall Conference is back! The Fall Conference will take place over two days and will give participants a chance to learn and find out what is new in Continue Reading

Cryptocurrency Fraud Case Study and Victim Awareness


The session is on January 27th, 2023 1:00 - 3:00 PM and it is free for everyone. You definitely don't want to miss out on this informative session. Looking forward to seeing you on January 27, 2023, from 1-3 pm! Regards, The Canadian MSB Association

Annual Spring conference 2023

snell hall 65 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario

We are excited to announce the CMSBA Annual Spring Conference happening May 3 & 4, 2023 with parts in French & English and all Virtual and some in-person. Let's explain… On May 3, 2023 from 1-5pm EST we will be hosting a Virtual 1/2 day session for our French speaking presenters and members and on May 4, 2023, a full Continue Reading

Fall conference 2023

snell hall 65 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario


55 John Street Toronto, ON M5V 0C4 55 John Street, Toronto, ON

CMSBA is excited to be hosting our next Spring training session on May 29th, 2024 at Metro Hall - 55 John Street, Toronto, ON, M5V 0C4 from 9 am - 5 pm and for those who are attending in-person, this will be followed up with drinks and snacks at the networking session from 5:30 PM - 7PM Last year there Continue Reading

CMSBA Annual Fall Conference 2024

North York Memorial Hall 5110 Yonge Street, North York, Ontario

Super Early Bird Ticket are on sale now! Canadian MSB Association's 2024 Annual Fall Conference November 20 - 21, 2024 from 9 am - 5 pm In-Person @ North York Memorial Hall - North York Virtually @ Everywhere Now is your chance to reserve your spot and grab a Super Early Bird ticket for the Canadian MSB Association Annual Fall Continue Reading

New Year Update Kickoff

New Year Update Kickoff – CMSBA Event Kick off 2025 with CMSBA at our New Year Update Kickoff! Join us for an engaging session packed with the latest industry insights, regulatory updates, and a live Ask Me Anything (AMA) with our Executive Director, Joseph Iuso. Date: Thursday, January 30, 2025Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST What It's About:Get the Continue Reading