Yearly Archives: 2021

Exit the AMF, enter Revenue Quebec

NEW REGULATOR FOR MSBs IN QUEBEC: As of September 13, 2021 the Autorité des marchés financiers has ceased to deal with MSB applications and other MSB oversight matters, as this responsibility has been transferred to Revenue Quebec (RQ). Some information on the revised MSB license application process (including new forms) is available on RQ’s website…
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LVCTR, EFT changes, Travel Rule – Oh my where to begin!

June 1, 2021, has come and gone and while many of the RE's and MSBS have felt the relief for implementing changes by Dec1, 2021, it doesn’t mean that they should be resting on our laurels. In this session, we will be discussing the coming into force for the LVCTR, EFT changes, and Travel Rule,…
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FINTRAC published its “Publication of updated and new guidance”

On May 4, 2021, FINTRAC published its “Publication of updated and new guidance” that referenced webpage updates on Compliance Program Requirements, 3rd Party, PEP FAQ, reporting, FMSB, and so much more.  Through a CMSBA request and response from FINTRAC, those that were most important are listed below.  As a Regulated Entity, it would be wise to read these…
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2021 CMSBA Canada Spring Training Session

The Canadian MSB Association Spring Training Session is back! The spring training session will take place over two half days and will give you a chance to learn and find out what is new in the industry while learning new subjects that will help your business from the comfort of your home! Our platform will…
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STR for dummies: How to do it effectively and efficiently

Does the thought of writing a Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) to FINTRAC make you nervous? Is the concept of reasonable grounds to suspect (RGS) keeping you up at night? Are you frustrated by the required fields? What makes a bad STR and how can you ensure your STR gets read and actioned? STRs can leave…
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